This sale is for a mint condition Mamiya 645 Eye Correction Lens -1.5 D for the Super/Pro/ProTL and M645 waist level finder (WLF). I have other dioptres available, and if you cannot see what you want just ask.
This dioptre simply replaces the bayonet-fit dioptre in your WLF. This is the standard dioptre supplied as new with these WLF and will be perfect for you if you have bought a WLF with a non-standard dioptre. This dioptre looks completely unused, but is the wrong box – swapped out from a new camera. This dioptre fits both the older M645 WLF and the newer Super/Pro model.
A shrinking selection of Mamiya, Bronica and Fuji GX680 dioptres available – everybody is after them and they are now impossible to find; if you cannot see the one you want then just ask.