This sale is for an unopened box of 5 rolls of very rare Fuji Pro 160 NS 220 colour negative film, expiry date 10/2018. This box comes from the LAST BATCH of 160 NS 220 ever made by Fuji; I imported 100+ rolls from Japan in January 2018 when Fuji announced (or rather, kept quiet) that they were discontinuing 220 colour negative film production.
This film was bought my me direct from Japan in January 2018 and it went straight into the freezer. This box went into my camera bag for studio use in 2020, but a back injury meant that it never got used and it has been stored at room temperature since then. Ths is my portrait film of choice, but I still have loads of it in my freezer so this one can go. I have more film left than I am every going to use so it is time to make some available – but not through eBay. You won’t find any elsewhere in a hurry, that’s for sure.
No guarantees on this film of course; it is way out of date – but I fully expect it to be very, very usable. Get yourself a bargain.